Friday, August 1, 2014

Physics Reflecting Writting by Xiao Kiat


          When I first started learning physics, I thought the physic was so difficult for me. I did not understand it very well. I did not understand the concept and the theory of physic. Every times, when the physic teacher was teaching in the class, I could not understand what he said. I felt helpless when studying the physic because I thought it was the most difficult subject for me when compared to other subjects.

Sometimes, I finally understood the mathematical parts of physic but I would forget the method to solve the questions after a long time passed. My school senior told me the method to learn the physic that was I should study smart not study hard. I should have logical thinking when studying physic. I knew that I should be hard-working to learn this subject.

 After that, when I faced any problems, I would ask my teacher for help. Fortunately, my teacher was very patient to teach me until I understood it. My physic lessons were very interesting because my physic teacher always gave us some projects and experiments to allow us to understand the lessons very well.

I started to feel this subject was interesting because it had a close relationship with our environment. I had the responsibility to study this subject because I want to know about the environment and the natural phenomenon that occurs around us every day, every hour, every minute and every second.

        The part I enjoy most in physic is doing group work with my group members. My group members and I are willing to spend more time to do the project together. When we are facing the problems, we will discuss the problems to solve it. For instance, when we are doing the scientific photograph project, my group members and I cooperate to take numerous photos with different types of mirror at different place. My group members and I get a lot of knowledge about the chapter 5 of physic that is Light. It enables us to have the ability to answer any questions about light correctly.
In addition, we are also doing the artifact project. My group is doing the project of water rocket. We face a lot of problems during this project. Luckily, our physic teacher always helps us or gives some opinions to solve our problems. Finally, we finish our project successfully.

In a nutshell, I learn a lot of physic knowledge through these projects. In reality, physic is not a difficult subject. We must have the logical thinking to solve every question. We can get the answer of some questions by looking the natural phenomenon that occurs around us. It is easier to get an excellent result in physic than other subjects such as Chemistry, Biology and others. Physic is the best subject.

Wong Xiao Kiat
5TU 2013

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