Monday, August 4, 2014

Physics Reflecting Writting by David Tan

When I First Started Learning Physics
When I first started learning Physics, it was a fun experience for me. I doubt that Physics is all about learning formulas and principles of everything that we haven't studied further when I was in Form 3. Although I peeked at books that owns this interesting subject, I can't really master those formulas from the beginning, but as I advanced further into the subject, I can easily master those hard calculations pretty well, except those that I can't understand. The relative principles and definitions are easy as pie, but I will try to learn those that I failed to grab hold. Overall, I convinced that Physics is not so hard to learn, as long as you grab hold of those formulas and principles and always lend your ears to the teachers that took their time to teach you the art and beauty of this subject.

The Part That I Enjoyed The Most

The part that I enjoyed the most in the subject of Physics is the experiments that I had conducted with my friends during the days of learning in school. One of my dreams is to conducting experiments with those science equipment under the supervision of my teacher. When I first started to handle those equipment, I feared that I'll accidentally broke one of them. With help from my friends, I started to learn to handle the equipment firmly and carefully. From all the experiments that I experienced before, one of the best will be the Ripple Tank experiment to explore the diffraction of waves. Its quite disappointing that the motor broke before me and my friends could explore more of this phenomenon. Anyway, its quite an experience that I'll never forget.

David Tan
5TU 2013

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