Friday, August 15, 2014

Physics Reflecting Writting by nuR moOnirah

When I first started learning physic, it was hard for me to understand every topic in each chapter. It took me a long time to make me understand physics concept that had been teach.

I started to like physics when teacher gave us a group projects. I get to know my friends more closely than ever when we start our group projects. The more we do our projects together, the more we get closer to each other. Certainly, at first I did not know this field is very interesting subject, but with the helps my friends I face the reality of the new world. In the group project, I can find various moral values, such as responsibility, cooperative, and other good values.

Scientist had once studied that if we teach friends we can remember 85% of what we teach. That’s why, I tried really hard learning one chapter to master the main topic and I was tried teaching other with what I have learnt. Since that day, I managed to understand physics more than before. That’s why I started to like physic.
The hardest part in physic for me is when we learn mathematical part. I truly think that I’ll not compatible in physics. Until now I still have a few problem with mathematical part, nevertheless I’ll still never give up. I’ll work hard, and try my best for me to have a flying colour in SPM Exam.

Comprehensively, I want to take this opportunity to thanks our physics’ teacher, Mr Lim Chuan Yang for always motivates our studies and patience with us. I really dearly loved physic than before I learn it. That why, Physic is the easiest subject to score in exam.

5TU 2014

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