Monday, November 2, 2020

Physics Reflecting writing by Nur Filzatunnafsi Binti Mursen


When I started learning Physics,I am totally do not know anything about Physics because it was the first time I heard about that subject.I tried to read Physics text book before Physics classes and  I was thought that I can’t go with Physics.I felt stressed and I decided to change my stream.At first,it was really hard for me to understand all the concepts but Alhamdulillah it was getting better day by day because I have a good and excellent Physics teacher like Mr Lim Chuan Yang.He helps us a lot in Physics by giving us a lot of exercises.Sometimes,we do not manage to hand in all the exercises on time but he understood that we have a lot of tasks to be finished so he rarely scolded us.He is ‘very the memahami’.I always use that phrases to describe someone who can understand our feelings and situations.I believe he can help me to get   at least A- for my Physics in SPM Insyaallah.


The most enjoyable part in Physics is when we are doing our projects.At first I thought all of the projects are burdens for us but it was enjoyable and quite cool for me.By doing the projects,I can challenge myself.I don’t believe that I can do a water rocket,a cluster house and a ringbook.I thought it was impossible for me to do all of the things because I don’t use to do it in my daily life.The projects taught me to be more creative,positive and increase my patience.I believe all of you will miss the moments you did all the projects with your partner.I’m grateful to have a hardworking partner like Brian.He is very understanding and easy-going.He always wants to do the best for every tasks given.We usually met up at Sharetea or Brian’s office to finish our projects.It was a new experience for me to work with a Chinese boy because I have not been partnered with any boy before this.I am sorry for all of my grammar mistakes but I have tried my best to write it in English.That is all from me.Thank you.


“We are not learning from mistakes but we learnt by reflecting on mistakes.”


Nur Filzatunnafsi Binti Mursen

Form 4 TU 2020

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