Monday, November 9, 2020

Physics Reflecting writing by Brian Liew Sze Jiet


In the beginning, I thought that it was easy but when I studied further I realized that it was so much more than just the mere calculation of numbers. It goes very deep with Higher Order Thinking Questions(HOTS)… (Sigh) as it includes many kinds of calculations, substitutions and so one. Thankfully, maybe God has heard my suffering, so He has blessed me with someone to save the day. Our physics teacher MR LIM CHUAN YANG is my savior. He taught me patiently on how the formula works and how to solve the problems. He also answered my questions whenever I was confused with the topics or questions. It is undeniable that his teaching method is very different from other teachers. It is very fun, so our class is interested in Physics even though it gets very tough sometimes. Every time I felt upset and was resigned to giving up when I didn’t know how to deal with difficulties, my ‘Savior’ would encourage me saying “the ship was not built for parking in the safety of the pier, it is made to brave the waves and to cross the seas”.

I can vividly remember that the most enjoyable part in Physics is when we were doing our Physics project. Fate has a strange way of working as Mr. Lim had assigned Filza and I to be in a pair as partners. It was my first time to get along with a Muslim partner for a project. Besides it was an unforgettable experience as it was the first time we did the WATER ROCKET and CLUSTER HOUSE project. Sometimes, it was difficult for me to communicate with her because I cannot speak Malay or English fluently. After many hiccups, we reached a consensus in the end and completed our tasks despite taking a long time to finish it. I learned a lot from it. I appreciate those who has helped and encouraged me -  to Mr Lim who gave me this opportunity to learn beyond the curriculum and to Filza who has taught me something I could never have learnt anywhere else. Thanks.

Brian Liew Sze Jiet

4TU 2020

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