Sunday, April 11, 2021

Physics Reflecting writing by Nora Karmila Binti Annor @ Edin


When I started learning Physics, I always have a mindset that Physics will be the hardest and subject I ever learn. But, after few months, I find that Physics also a fun subject. I learnt lots of things from my friends and especially my Physics teacher, Mr Lim Chuan Yang. They taught me a different view about Physics and how to stay survive on this subject. Physics also make me to be creative and confident with myself even though I know that my answers are wrong. At least I tried and the efforts are the most important thing at thus situation.

The most enjoyable part in Physics is when I managed to create a water rocket with my partner, Jesminah. We managed to fly the water rocket after several failures and it took a week for us to make it done. I also enjoy when we managed to find the answers because Physics is known as a “hardest” subject so when we found the answers, it feel a victory for us. I never thought it will be this fun. I hope lots of students will like Physics subject and my advice to them is do not give up because one day you will thank to yourself for never giving up. 

Nora Karmila Binti Annor @ Edin 

5TM 2021

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