Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Physics Reflecting writing by Magwen Joy

When I first started learning physics, I can’t cope with the subject very well. I’m very sure that I cannot score well in my first trial exam. However, after learning deep inside the subject, I found that it is fun and interesting. In Physics, I can learn new things that mostly happen in our life every day. I enjoy the most during any experiments that we conducted. After experiments, I can understand more about each topic. For example, after conducted the electricity experiments, I can understand on how to connect the circuit. My group friends also did well in the group works. Even though I am the one who acts as the computer captain, but they still generate their ideas and give me information to do assignment. I am proud to have Chieng Fong Ling (Group Leader) and Lau Hui Mei (Assistant Group Leader). They were really good group members to have. Especially, Chieng Fong Ling. Even though she is the top student, I mean the best among 5TU students and mostly top students always busy and do a lot of homework (tuition), but she never left us. She is really good at being the leader. She is a responsible and teamwork person.

The most enjoyable and interesting moment is when we do the trial launching for the water rocket assignment. During the making of water rocket until the launching, we have given our own ideas on planning the base (launcher) and the water rocket. On the day of trial launching, we cooperate with each other to make it successful. Even though, the water rocket did not boost up very high, but we have done our best and enjoying the moment together before SPM. I think it is the most valuable moment because we seldom spent time with each other as we were struggle for our SPM.

I am very proud and happy to have Mr. Lim Chuan Yang as my physics teacher. He is very helpful person. He always points our name during the lessons to answer his question. The best is he helps us to understand most of the chapter by asking a lot of question because when he asks, automatically our brain will try to find the answer. This way, it helps me to remember about the topics. At first, I hardly memorize the formula, but after struggle a lot and with teachers help, finally I can remember them. Now, I want to say that I love Physics.

Magwen Joy Anak Christopher
5TU 2018

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